Saturday, April 5, 2014

Here we go again!

Guess what???  My wife, yep you read that right, she is my WIFE!!! who swore last year that she never wanted to be pregnant again, well on our 9 year anniversary last month she asked me if we could please try to have another baby. So here we go again. We lost everything we had for fertility in the fire so we are starting fresh. We are planning on using the same known donor as Emma and Ali and shipping the sample overnight using an amazing kit from baby dust delivery so our timing has to be perfect. I'm hoping it only takes us a couple months (Ok, I'm hoping it's only 1 month!) but we've decided to try for a year and if it doesn't happen within the year then we're blessed with the 5 we have. If it does happen quickly we've discussed having another a year after. Ash thinks 4 would be perfect. We're also trying to decide if we want to go ahead and start with clomid right away or some other fertility meds.  I guess if it doesn't happen within the first couple months we'll re-evaluate our needs for them. Any who that is it in a nutshell, let the fun begin!!!


Beckeysburblingblog said...

Congratulations are in order then! 😊

braejuma said...

Yay! Cant wait to follow your journey! Nice to see you ladies back!