Wednesday, April 16, 2014

And we're off

Well we are off to the races, or rather the dreaded 2 week wait :( We did our first insem on Saturday but because of this strange shipping/timing issue we were a day early. Hopefully next month ovulation won't happen on a Sunday or Monday. We didn't think the timing would be such a pain as we were used to just calling up and saying we're ready then bodda bing bodda boom we'd meet in a parking lot for the "hand off" a couple times a month. I was always afraid a police officer would see us meeting up in the parking lot and him handing us a little something something through open windows and think it was a drug deal.  I can see it now.

Officer: Ma'am can you tell me what was handed to you from the other car
Me: ahhh it's not what you think Sir
Officer: Ma'am you'll need to hand it over
Me: ahhhh it's not what you think and ahhh it's not easily accessible but.... here you go
Officer: oh Jesus Mary and Joseph I'm taking you to jail
Me: Ok but can you give me a few minutes to knock up my wife :D

Since we're pretty sure our timing was off and this being our first go at it we're pretty sure we missed out this month but it was a good trial run with getting the shipment here.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Here we go again!

Guess what???  My wife, yep you read that right, she is my WIFE!!! who swore last year that she never wanted to be pregnant again, well on our 9 year anniversary last month she asked me if we could please try to have another baby. So here we go again. We lost everything we had for fertility in the fire so we are starting fresh. We are planning on using the same known donor as Emma and Ali and shipping the sample overnight using an amazing kit from baby dust delivery so our timing has to be perfect. I'm hoping it only takes us a couple months (Ok, I'm hoping it's only 1 month!) but we've decided to try for a year and if it doesn't happen within the year then we're blessed with the 5 we have. If it does happen quickly we've discussed having another a year after. Ash thinks 4 would be perfect. We're also trying to decide if we want to go ahead and start with clomid right away or some other fertility meds.  I guess if it doesn't happen within the first couple months we'll re-evaluate our needs for them. Any who that is it in a nutshell, let the fun begin!!!

Friday, June 28, 2013


 Yes, I realize she's too old for a paci/binkie but this was a week after the fire so cut her some slack. She was traumatized and still has her moments of panic. We're working on the Binky Fairy coming to take it and send it to a new baby that needs it. We've got it contained to only when we're going to sleep for now so it's a vast improvement and her dentist said it wasn't doing any harm yet. (yes, I'm justifying my inability to take something from her that she loves so very very much)
 MMM Smores, I love this face!

It's been a long time since I posted cutie patootie pics. Emma is getting so big, I can't believe she'll be 4 this year!