Monday, January 30, 2012

It's that time again

Yes, once again it's that time of the month! Ash hit high fertility yesterday and surged today so we insemed yesterday and today. Lets hope this month is it. Now on to the horrendous two week wait.

It's been a pretty busy week or so around here.  Emma has been sick and we're trying to potty train her, actually she did it herself one day so it's been pretty easy.

On to other news, we are thinking about moving. Picking up and moving to Oregon or Washington. My ex husband lives there with my 18 year old daughter and my son and his wife are moving there within a couple of weeks.  Even more than that, Ash really wants to change jobs and change scenery. I think it will be hard but I'm always up for an adventure.  The only hard thing for me is my oldest daughter and my grand daughter are here, only a block away and my daughter is expecting. I'm hoping that she will follow us up there. I don't want to be away from them but I have to think about the big picture not just my picture.  We live in a pretty conservative neighborhood, hell, what am I saying we live in Utah it's more than conservative.  We are the token gays in the community. One day if we stay here Emma will go to school at the school I went to, she will more than likely never be invited to play at any ones house, or get invited to birthday parties and very few parents will allow their children to come to our house. It's just the way it is here, we want Emma (and hopefully a new baby) to grow up where having 2 parents of the same sex isn't such an oddity. It doesn't hurt that I have a love affair with the ocean.  There is something about it that soothes my soul. The sound of the waves crashing, the smell (no, not that rotten fish smell), the sand on my toes, it's so peaceful.  So, there it is, I think we're moving.


braejuma said...

Sticky vibes!!!! I hope it works and you get a BFP test!!!! Crossing fingers for you!!!!

Doug and Bill said...

Wow, a lot of info in that post. GOOD LUCK and GOOD LUCK and GOOD LUCK...FYI the ocean is wonderful and I agree it soothes your soul. Go with your heart! It's the only way to do it. And did I say STICKY THOUGHTS??

Mark said...

You got a lot on your plate.
Good luck with it all!

Merr said...

Ah good luck ladies!! I totally understand the move. e have questioned it a few times but just cant bring ourselves to do it yet.

Halley P said...

Yay for sticky thoughts. My wife and I along with our daughter live in Oregon and we love it

Anonymous said...

BABY DUST! TONS OF BABY DUST!!! And secondly, where in Washington?!? That's where we are!!! Western Washington is SOOOO liberal and open to gay families! COME ON UP!!!

paradykes said...

We're thinking somewhere around the Portland area. A radius of about an hour in every direction. I guess it all depends on when and where Ash finds a job. My Ex is in McMinnville with my daughter and soon my son will be there but I need at least an hour buffer zone from there :D Any Suggestions would be appreciated.