Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lets hear it for February!

So after much debate Ashley finally made an appointment to see our family doctor to see if indeed she really was pregnant.  She was sure that she was, me, I needed some convincing. Really it took us 3 years with Emma, I couldn't believe we could/would get pregnant so quickly and all the tests that we took were weak weak weak if best. So on the Dr we went who quickly did a urine test and said well, congratulations are in order! The test there was also quite light so she ran a beta and it was a 46, low overall but for 15 days post insem it's perfect for us (Surro baby was only a 33 at 9 dp5dt) So, it's real, we're going to have another baby! 


Kate said...


Mark said...

Just wonderful!

Jeff and Kevin said...

SHUT UP!!! Omg that's awesome!!! You ladies are FERTILE! That was quicker than a couple of teenagers with wine coolers ;) yay!

Jeni said...

Hooray! Congratulations!

Doug and Bill said...

Wow you guys aren't wasting any time getting to business. This is just AWESOME. CONGRATULATIONS!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! I am so incredibly happy for all of you!!! YAY!!!

Beckeysburblingblog said...

Congratulations!!! :o)

Babydreams2011 said...

WTF, HOW DID I MISS THIS!!!! I haven't gotten an update email that you were posting, OMG!!! CONGRATS I KNEW IT!!!! I screamed when I read this!!!